I'm a MOM!
A week ago today, my son Logan James was born. That’s it.... it’s officially official. I am a mother, and this fourth trimester is no joke! Ha! We’ve been home for a few days and doing very well. I am full of emotion, gratitude, anxiety, doubt and love in this precious time. But I wouldn’t trade it for the world. In this awkward time, when social distancing is the “norm” I cannot thank enough the mothers I have around me for all the distant support and love!! It’s hard not to hug my parents or have them not hold their grandson, it’s hard to stay distant in this exciting time for our family but the LOVE is felt sooooo much!!!!!!!!!! From my ancestors, my friends and my family near and far, in these hard times, I feel you right here with me & Clint. I love you! Today I pray for peace, I pray for healing in this world and I am so grateful for all that I have. My family.
