On November 9th, 2016....
Okay.... so today's the day! For the last 3 months, I have had the honor and privilege to be apart of the ABC Discovers Showcase team! This experience has been more than I could have ever anticipated! I have learned so much about myself, my craft and my worth. Throughout this whole process I have been pushed, challenged, and encouraged every single day. To be in a room with people who truly believe in you & will advocate for your career, as well as learning that you have to fight for what you believe in & always be true to yourself! I mean, how many times does one get the opportunity to learn THAT?!?!?!!!! I am grateful for all the lessons, because no matter what happens today, this experience has been a life changing one! There will never be another day like TODAY. But today, is just another day in this journey we call life. I am grateful. I am excited. I am ready. Let's do this thang!!!!!!! #grateful #livingthdream #learning #love#networking #libraryespionage #newworldstages #humbled#abcdisovers2016 #abccasting #dwarfismawareness