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Rebecca Salois speaks up!

Its October 9th and its Dwarfism Awareness Month!!

This morning I was asked at an audition “What is challenge you face every day?” The first thing that comes to mind is when every day I head out on the subway and everyone I walk by is STARING at me. But of course I wasn’t sure if I wanted to share this in the audition. It is personal, and I guess sometimes it’s even an opportunity for someone to pity me, which I did not want in the audition room. But then I thought to myself… well you know what… IT’S TRUE! This IS a daily challenge I face, being stared at, gawked at, taken a picture of etc... the list can go on and on. But today’s post isn’t going to be about my personal experience but rather about my friend Rebecca Salois. She and her friend were harassed at a Luke Bryan concert just a few days ago, read more about her story. I am so happy that this made it to the local Indiana News, because it was a great way to gain some awareness on how thing’s like this are not a once-in-a-while kinda thing…. These things happen every day to people like me.


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