the butt of a joke...

Hey! It’s Oct 5th and it's Dwarfism Awareness Month!! These days there have been many movements forward with people with disabilities, especially with ADA and other laws that protect us. However there are still many prejudices out there for people with all sorts of disabilities. These laws that have been put into place have made many people more sensitive about certain topics especially with those disabilities that are better known, but when it comes to people with dwarfism we are still "the butt of a joke". For centuries and centuries little people have been thought of to be funny looking, meant for amusement, or for some sideshow act. (Thus where the term “Midget” came about - which by the way is a derogatory term). But still... today.... PLENTY of times, people with dwarfism are the butt of a joke. When does this stop?!? When will we be taken seriously and looked at as equals?!? This is something that still frustrates me, because I see it every day of my life!! There is always one person on the street pointing and giggling as I walk by. We NEED to actively spread awareness all year around, but definitely this month about how WE ARE HUMAN BEINGS, just like anyone else!! We are one of the last minorities to still receive prejudice comments on a daily basis. How is this fair in a country where everyone should be treated equal? Don’t get me wrong. I am proud and grateful to live in this country, but I still feel injustices every day. Peter Dinklage is an inspiring actor that I admire and look up to in the arts. I believe he (and hopefully I) will one day change the way the world looks at little people and get rid of the stigma of "the butt of the joke".
Peter Dinklage wins an Emmy ...again..(2015)