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Sofiya Cheyenne Uses Acting to Advocate for Little People | Seen | NowThis

Sofiya Cheyenne Uses Acting to Advocate for Little People | Seen | NowThis

Actress Sofiya Cheyenne doesn't want to be seen as a 'little person' but as a talented woman, passionate about her career. » Subscribe to NowThis Entertainment: Sofiya Cheyenne is using acting to advocate for the little person. Sofiya Cheyenne says little people are underrepresented in Hollywood, and often abled celebrities play roles that should go to actors with disabilities. NYC- based Sofiya Cheyenne in this Sofiya Cheyenne interview talks about dwarfism and being a 'dwarf,' Sofiya Cheyenne roles, little person representation, and how a lack of little people representation in Hollywood contributes to a culture where people feel comfortable calling little people and dwarfs a 'midget.' Sofiya Cheyenne was part of the Lilliput Troupe in New York City, and Sofiya Cheyenne roles include Guys and Dolls, Jimob, Loudermilk, Trouble on High, Checkout, and StartUp. Watch NowThis' full interview with actress Sofiya Cheyenne! #SofiyaCheyenne #acting #dwarfism #littlepeople #Hollywood Connect with NowThis » Subscribe to NowThis News: » Like us on Facebook: » Tweet us on Twitter: » Follow us on Instagram: » Find us on Snapchat Discover: Seen is about two of NowThis’ most important pillars: inclusion and representation. 'Seen' shines a spotlight on the game changers in pop culture; the people who are seeing a void in the zeitgeist and carving their own niches. These are the people who wish to see themselves reflected in fashion, beauty, film, and television. These are the people who are using their platforms to make a lasting difference on the landscape of culture — regardless of their status or recognizability. These are the individuals who deserve to be seen. NowThis is your premier news outlet providing you with all the videos you need to stay up to date on all the latest in trending news. From entertainment to politics, to viral videos and breaking news stories, we’re delivering all you need to know straight to your social feeds. We live where you live. @NowThisEntertainment


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