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Sofiya Cheyenne

May 10, 2018
Disability Fashion Show 2018!
Was so happy to be @sarahfolkins date last night at the Disability Fashion Show hosted by the Cerebral Palsy Foundation. CPF teams up...

May 8, 2018
#AccessChampions Podcast
Hey guys!!! So I was recently featured on Access Champions Podcast! Check it out!!!! I recently met Phillip Dallmann when doing a panel...

Apr 28, 2018
"The Week Of"
My METS hat was my ticket into the shot. ;) Check me out as an extra in the stands of the baseball scene in the new movie #TheWeekOf !!!...

Apr 26, 2018
Disability Film Challenge 2018!
DIVERSITY. ABILITY. INCLUSION. ENTERTAINMENT. Join me in celebrating diversity in the arts by watching my short film for...

Apr 25, 2018
Our Town Magazine feature!
Thank you Samantha Fairfield Walsh for for creating "WOMANISH" (An answer to a nagging question that I had in the back of my mind. Why...

Mar 21, 2018
I joined AEA!!
Guys. It happened! You’re looking at years of hard work, determination & creativity. But guess what? It’s only the beginning!!!!! Feeling...

Feb 10, 2018
"Other World" Lab Production
Hell yeah!! This is what I’ve been working on the past few weeks! Presentations are next week for industry only. This has been an...

Feb 4, 2018
Great TEDTalk by Julie Williams
Check out this incredible video! "MEETING IN THE MIDDLE" How can we push for more conversations? How can we create safe spaces to...
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